Duties of the Mayor

The prime responsibility of Mayor Clark Ritter is to direct the police department. The Borough code authorizes the mayor to preserve order, enforce ordinances and resolutions, remove nuisances, exact a faithful performance of the officers appointed, and perform such duties as assigned by law or ordinance. In preserving order, he or she directs the activities of the police department. The Mayor’s responsibility for ordinance enforcement is limited only to the power of directing the police. There are no provisions in the Borough Code authorizing the mayor to direct other borough employees except the police. Mayors in Pennsylvania may declare a local disaster subject to approval by Borough Council and may declare a state of emergency in situations involving mobs or riots.

The legislative powers of the mayor are limited to conducting council reorganization meetings every two years, attending regular and special meetings of borough council and executive sessions of council held under the Sunshine Act. The mayor may participate in council discussions. Mayors may also veto ordinances.  The mayor is required to make a monthly report to council relating to police activities and periodically updates council on the state of the borough. Mayors have not been able to vote in council since 1893. The only exception is the power to break ties to enable council to take action or request a special meeting of council be held to resolve the matter.

Mayor Ritter has made the following Borough issues a priority:

  • Began the Junior Mayor Program, allowing for 4th and 5th Grade students who are studying local History and Government to be Mayor for a Day.
  • Initiated ‘Talk with the Mayor’ meetings, to encourage community participation.
  • Participated in School Outreach, speaking to students studying Government.
  • Member of the Borough’s COVID-19 Taskforce.
  • Re-evaluated Snow Emergency Routes within the Borough.
  • Assisted in Safe School Traffic planning.
  • Overseeing of the Lehighton Borough Police Department.
  • Assisted in implementation of Police Outreach during community events, public assemblies and protests.
  • Performs wedding ceremonies