Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System

MS4 PUBLIC MEETING - JUNE 6, 2022 7:00pm

About MS4

MS4 is an acronym for a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. MS4 is defined as a collection and conveyance system or a group of collection and conveyance systems owned, operated and maintained by a state, city, township or borough that is dedicated solely for handling stormwater runoff and discharging it into tributaries, streams, rivers, lakes or other natural or man-made receiving waters within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The MS4 system may include such structures as storm pipes, catch basins, trench drains, roadside swales and cross drains, conveyance channels, detention ponds, infiltration basins, rain gardens or other structures designated for the collection, storage and conveyance of storm water runoff. Contact us by phone at (610) 377-4002.

What is Stormwater?

Stormwater originates from rainfall and other precipitation that runs off surfaces all over the Borough, i.e. rooftops, streets, construction sites, down spouts and lawns, etc. Storm water makes its way into swails, storm drains, natural water courses and it literally takes everything loose on the ground along with it when it rains ... pollutants, sediment, leaves, trash, etc. The borough is actively involved in meeting statutory permitting requirements under state and federal law. In the Borough some stormwater runoff runs directly into the Mahoning Creek and Lehigh River. Catch basins with a yellow fish design painted by it identifies the catch basins that run directly to the river. Stormwater directly and adversely affects the water quality of our natural waterways, fish and other aquatic animals.

Stormwater Management - NPDES & MS4

The Clean Water Act is the federal legislation that governs stormwater management. Stormwater point discharges to waters of the U.S. (pipes and drain pipes), and are regulated using National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. In 1999, federal regulations extended coverage for the NPDES program to local separate storm sewer systems (MS4's) serving populations of less than 100,000. Lehighton Borough is required to comply with the NPDES program as a MS4 municipality. Under the NPDES stormwater program, permittees must develop a stormwater management plan that provides the details of how the community will comply with the requirements of the permit.

Lehighton Borough is actively working on meeting the NPDES and MS4 statutory permitting requirements. Local residents have a role to play too, which when combined together will have a positive impact on our environment and the water that is so important to us all. The permits are based on a framework of 6 control measures: Public education and outreach; Public participation and involvement; Illicit discharge detection and elimination; Construction site runoff control; Postconstruction stormwater management in new development/redevelopment; Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations and maintenance.

"Become Part of the Solution... Not Part of the Problem"

Consider reducing the amount of impervious surface on a property with driveways built from porous asphalt. Place a barrel under a down spout to capture the water for use in watering the lawn or garden. Maintaining grass at a height of at least 4 inches slows the growth of weeds while better absorbing stormwater. Consider planting a rain garden to slow down stormwater runoff, filter pollution, protect rivers and streams and create a healthy habitat for birds and butterflies. Plants and trees absorb rain, and leaves drip rainfall onto the ground hours after a storm giving water a chance to seep slowly into the ground.

Lehighton Borough is asking residents to assist us in keeping our stormwater and storm sewer system clean by remembering to do the following:

  • Dispose of water properly
  • Clean up after your pets
  • Use fertilizer properly and efficiently to prevent excess runoff
  • Store materials that could pollute storm water indoors
  • Do not dump oils, greases or other hazardous materials into the storm sewer drains

Also, please monitor storm water inlets near your property. If you see a problem please call the Borough at (610) 377-4002 ext. 211.

Lehighton Borough is working hard to follow the guidelines set down by the county, state and federal government.

Illict Discharge Reporting